Rabbi Idan and Prielle RakovskyRabbi Idan and Prielle Rakovsky will lead the new JLIC program at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva this fall. Rabbi Rakovsky, from Givat Shmuel, studied at Yeshivat Givat Shmuel, Ma’ale Gilboa, and Beit Midrash Zichdon Dov. He served as a Torah MiTzion shaliach in Toronto, assistant rabbi at Shaarei Tefillah, and teacher at Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot. He has over 200 recorded shiurim and hosted the Toronto Torah Parshah Podcast. 

Prielle, from Kibbutz Massuot Yitzhak, directed informal Judaic studies at Ulpanat Orot and has been involved in Jewish education and leadership in Canada. She is a certified Kallah teacher and has studied at Beit Midrash Migdal Oz.